Saturday, January 30, 2010

Doors Close to Service on the West Bank

For the last six years the government of Israel has been making it increasingly difficult to obtain and renew a visa for voluntary service in Israel and in the Palestinian Territories. Their restrictions have become more Draconian in recent weeks.  The Ha'Aretz newspaper now reports that Israel will no longer issue from the Ministry of Imigration volnteer visas for NGO (non-governmental organizaitons) workers. Volunteer visas of only a few months' duration will be issued by the military authorities in the West Bank.  It would appear that this is an attempt to restrict any services reaching needy Palestinian communities. Also, it is moving the West Bank towards the complete isolation that now seals Gaza. For those who already have received visas from these military authorities, the length of visas have been issued, for no clear reason, for  various lengths lengths of time. This leaves hundreds of aid workers up in the air as to their status.  We are praying that we can continue to travel in and out of the West Bank.  The door is closing for vital ministry.