Monday, July 4, 2011

The Presence of God Is not Political

Praying at the Western Wall
Walking up the ramp onto the Temple Mount, as it is known to Jews, or the Aqsa as it is known to Muslims, there are numerous signs in English, Arabic and Hebrew reminding visitors that they are entering a sacred space and so should conduct themselves appropriately.  No short pants, no food,  no pets. 

There is a glaring omission in this list - No Hate!

Jews pray at the the Western Wall, the wall which supports the large open area above it where the Dome of the Rock is now located, and the Jewish Temple formerly stood. 

Muslim prays on the Temple Mount area and specifically in the Al Aqsa mosque. 

Muslims believe that Muhammad ascended to heaven on his mystical journey from this area.  Jews believe that Abraham offered up Issac on the Temple Mount. 

Reading the Qur'an at the Al Aqsa mosque

What separates these two places of worship is more than armed guards and a few meters.  Hatred between these fervently religious communities is the invisible wall that divides.

In the past clashes have broken out between the two praying peoples  with Palestinians throwing stones and Israeli helicopter gunships opening fire on Muslim crowds on the Temple Mount.

In the true presence of God hate cannot survive.